Early signs of drug abuse in adolescents
When you learn that your child has a drug or alcohol problem, it’s normal to wonder whether you should have done differently, whether you should have seen it coming, and what warning signs you might have missed. In other words, how you could have overlooked such a matter? And, perhaps more importantly, when does drug use or abuse become addiction?
Early signs
These are difficult questions with difficult answers. The good news is that science has defined concrete early symptoms and warning signs that, if recognized and addressed, can assist adults in steering children away from risks that may make them more vulnerable to addiction.
Chances are your teen’s mood swings can be attributed to the racing and changing hormones that come with adolescence. In other words, teen mood swings are normal. You’ll want to pay attention, though, if your teenage son or daughter is experiencing mood swings along with changes in behavior or appearance, such as, losing interest in activities they once enjoyed, sleeping more than usual, Exhibiting physical changes like sudden weight loss, frequent nosebleeds, bloody or watery eyes, or shakes and tremors. These are behavioral and physical signs that your child could be misusing medications, or using drugs or drinking alcohol. Knowing the signs and symptoms of teen drug use can help you better understand if or when you should involve a professional.
When to intervene
When you are familiar with your teenage child’s thoughts and feelings, interests, and habits, you will be able to recognize early indications of trouble because you will be able to spot when something appears off or awry. If you ignore problems, try and justify underage smoking or drinking or avoid honest and open discussions with your child, occasional drug use can quickly get out of control. It is much easier to change behavioral issues when it first shows up, instead of when the situation escalates and a crisis occurs. Paying close attention to early signs of trouble, especially in children who are inclined to alcohol or other drug addiction, can significantly decrease the likelihood of a future problem.
As a parent or concerned adult, you can never intervene too soon.
There are five main factors that contribute to a heightened risk for addiction, spelling out the acronym “FACTS”:
• Family history
• Age of first use
• Craving
• Tolerance
• Surroundings
Many teenage addicts have a co-occurring mental condition, including depression and anxiety. The most effective treatment incorporates treating both issues, so seek out for rehabilitation services or treatment facilities with certified professionals who are trained to treat co-occurring drug use and mental health issues simultaneously. It is critical to understand that one disorder does not cause the other and that they occur simultaneously.
Intervention tactics
While resources vary by the type of community and region you live in, rest assured that help is readily available. Schools, healthcare experts, mental health professionals, and therapists are among the local resources. Begin your search for a drug rehabilitation provider that specialize in adolescent treatment. You can start by contacting your insurance company, as they can help you get in touch with reliable and certified practitioners.